AF & Yoga

Our introduction to AF has coincided with the third week of our first foray into Yoga, and I felt that sharing this experience might help someone.

From my point of view (ex-military, contact sports enthusiast), Yoga was something that only wiry little people with a Lulu Lemon fixation took part in, how wrong I was.

Some time ago I was sent a video shot by a former US Army Paratrooper who had destroyed his knees during his time in service, and had ended up on crutches, unable to walk properly, and consequently gained a load of weight.

By the end of the video, this guy had completely transformed his physique and his mental state, all through the power of yoga and a sensible diet.

So, when the New Year rolled around, we as a family started to take part in a daily yoga video series by a lady called Adriene.

Adriene has a good sense of humour, and even drops the odd inappropriate double entendre, which helps keep the mood light.

As a fairly big guy (6’2″ and 226lb) I was daunted by complex poses, and of course looking like a plonker.

From the first video until today when I am on day twenty three I have never felt silly or condescended to by Adriene, and having my family following right along too has been invaluable.

At the same time I have of course been working my way towards a fully fledged vegan diet.

I think that the combination of Yoga, a sensible and varied diet, and regular walks in the forest and hills near my village, have been responsible for my losing over twenty eight pounds and keeping it off.

I know the blog title says peaceful food, but my thinking is that we are a synergistic being that requires more than one positive input to truly thrive.

If you haven’t already, then please take a look at the link above and perhaps give Adriene a try.

I promise that my next post will involve food and of course the wonderful AF.


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